The Best Mole Killer Poison: Top 5

Moles can be a nuisance in your garden or yard. These small, furry creatures burrow underground, making holes and tunnels that can damage your lawn. While moles are not harmful to humans, they can cause extensive damage to your property. If you’re looking for a way to get rid of moles, you may take a look at the best mole killer list below.

There are a variety of mole poisons available on the market, but not all of them are effective. In this article, we’ll take a look at the best mole killer poison products on the market and help you choose the right one for your needs.

Top 5 Best Mole Killer

#1 Talpirid 7150

There has been a great deal of research and testing put into this trimming equipment. Earthworm bait will be utilized in place of any traps, and it will be effective in eliminating a mole in a matter of days. Because each worm bears a deadly amount of poison, the mole dies within two days of being trapped in its burrow due to a lack of oxygen due to the poison.

This device is well-liked because it operates in a short period of time. This Talpirid 7150 poison is being tested on live moles that have been caught.

Because the poison is comparable to the mole’s normal diet, you won’t have to worry about the mole becoming aware of the poison or crawling across to the other side of the fence. The rat’s curiosity will almost certainly be piqued by such a lure, and you will be free of that pesky rodent in a matter of days.

#2 Bonide 691

In modest amounts, you can scatter this powdery stuff across your yard. It has a pleasant scent. Because it is non-toxic to pets and children, you don’t have to be concerned about your pets or children coming into contact with it.

best mole killer

In Bonide 691, the primary active element is boric acid, which is a poison that will kill a mole in a matter of days if not sooner. Boric acid is a white powder that is typically found in pest management products. It is used to kill insects.

Its mechanism of action is to irritate the mucous membranes of the mole, causing it to become dehydrated and, finally, to perish. This procedure is widely regarded as one of the most compassionate methods of eliminating a mole.

#3 Tomcat Mole Killer

The Tomcat Mole Killer product is quite similar to the Tomcat Mole Killer Worms Bait in that it contains bromethalin, which is included in both products.

The most significant distinction is that this poison is delivered in the form of pellets rather than worms. Mole is attracted to the pellets because they are brown in color and have a lifelike appearance and feel, making them difficult to refuse.

Once the pellet is consumed, the bromethalin will kill the mole within 6 hours, just as it did with the previous product.

This product can be used in any state, with the exception of California, and it comes in a pack of four pellets per container.

#4 Victor M6006 Poison Peanuts Mole Killer

Zinc Phosphide is the active element in the Victor M6006 Poison Mole Killer, and it is a poison that can be fatal if consumed. Moles are drawn to it because it comes in the form of little, brown peanuts that are impossible to resist. Once the peanut has been consumed, the zinc phosphide will kill the mole within 24 hours of its consumption of the peanut.

With the exception of California, this product can be used in every state save for that the Golden State, and it comes with four peanuts in each pack.

It is recommended to distribute these peanuts near molehills because that is where moles tend to congregate the majority of the time they are active.

#5 Motomco Placemole Mole Killer

A granule-shaped toxin, this is what you’re looking at here. The Motomco Placemole Mole Killer is simple to use; all that is required is that you sprinkle it in the tunnel and wait for the results to appear. Within 24 hours of ingesting the poison, the mole will succumb to its injuries.

The product contains 0.025 percent bromethalin, which is a deadly dose for moles because of the concentration present. With this amount of poison, the mole is guaranteed to die within 6 hours of consuming the worm.

It is recommended that you use the Motomco Placemole Mole Killer if you want to get rid of moles in the shortest amount of time feasible. Those who wish to be certain that the mole will die will find it to be an excellent choice.

best mole killer

Different Types Of Mole Killer Poisons

There are different types of mole killer poisons, and each one has its own set of pros and cons that you should be aware of before making a decision.


This is a neurotoxin that works by causing the paralysis of the respiratory system in moles. It is considered to be one of the best poisons for killing moles because it is very effective and the kill is almost instantaneous. The main con of this poison is that it is extremely toxic to pets and children, so you need to be very careful when using it.

Zinc Phosphide

This poison works by causing the mole to bleed to death internally. It is not as fast-acting as bromethalin, but it is still considered to be quite effective. The main downside of this poison is that it can be dangerous to use if you have pets or children because they could easily consume the poison if they find it.


This is one of the most toxic mole killer poisons out there, and it is very dangerous to use. It works by causing muscle spasms and seizures in moles, which eventually lead to their death. The main downside of using this poison is that it is very easy for pets or children to consume, and it can also be harmful to the environment.


This poison works by affecting the nervous system of moles and causing them to become paralyzed. It is not as fast-acting as bromethalin, but it is still considered to be quite effective. The main downside of this poison is that it can be dangerous to use if you have pets or children because they could easily consume the poison if they find it.

The best mole killer poison for you will depend on your specific situation. If you have pets or children, you will need to be very careful about which poison you use. If you want the fastest results possible, bromethalin is the best choice. If you are worried about the environment, carbamate is a good option. And if you want a poison that is less likely to be consumed by pets or children, zinc phosphide is a good choice.

Final Thoughts

The best mole killer poison for you will depend on your specific situation. If you have pets or children, you will need to be very careful about which poison you use. No matter which poison you choose, be sure to follow the directions carefully and always keep it out of reach of pets and children.


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